About Me
King Julian,
beloved leader and gifted
Age: 48
Gender: Male
Astrological Sign: Leo
Zodiac Year: Ox
Industry: Chicago Style Politics
Occupation: Supreme Leader
* Ruling the world
* Saul Alinsky
* statism
* Me
* unconstrained power
* the Living Constitution
* did I mention Me?
* public speaking
* professional whistling
* have you heard about Me?
Favorite Movies
* Catch Me if You Can
* Fly Me to the Moon
* Madagascar
* Madagascar: Escape
* Me and Marx
* Promise Me This
* Anyone but Me
* Rescue Me
Favorite Restaurant
* Mimi's Cafe (because it is all about Me Me - not you you)
Favorite Books
* Dreams
* The Audacity of
* Rules for Radicals, by Saul Alinsky
Favorite Quotes by Me
"Hurry everybody, before we regain our senses."
"Let me be clear. I don't have all the facts."
"Please feel free to bask in my glow."
"I am the one you've been waiting for. I am the change you seek."
"It's me, King Julian. Which of you is attracted to me?"
"After much deep and profound brain things inside my head - I have decided to rule the world!"
"Yes, I can!"
"Let me be clear. Israel is a strong friend of Israel's."
"Wait, I have a plan. I've devised a cunning test to see if the U.S. can survive Me."
"On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong."
"C'mon everybody, let's go talk to the tyrants."
"Why can't I just eat my waffle?"
"The gods eat the sacrifice. They are grateful. They give me the water, then I give it to you! {Does it work?} No. I mean yes. Well, Rahm?"
"I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."
"Oh, suddenly throwing a giraffe into a volcano to make water is crazy!"
"I don't know why the sacrifice didn't work. The science seems so solid."
"Bring me my nuts on a silver platter."
"Sorry - do you mind going back? This is first class. It's nothing personal it's just that I'm better than you."
"Whatever happened to the separation of the classes?" {I'm sure this whole democracy thing was just a fad. - Rahm}
"Soon we will put my excellent plan into action. All we have to do is wait until they are deep in their sleep... HOW LONG IS THIS GOING TO TAKE?!"