Feb 21, 2025

Stop Trying to School the Libs

 First off, they're not libs. There's nothing quite as illiberal as today's American and European leftists. They insist on censorship of dissenting opinions in case it might offend one of the powerful. They're making advanced nations energy poor -- and therefore economically poorer -- to supposedly save the planet. (Side note: funny, although not "haha" funny, how "greening" the environment involves carpeting vast swaths of forest and farmland with manmade solar and windfarm monstrosities.) They're deeply racist as evidenced by any human achievement of something good, true, and beautiful as being labeled "white supremacy" (how about that moon landing? or even math!), and by lowering the bar of entry to high-skill professions (MDs, pilots, soldiers. . .) based solely on immutable characteristics such as race and sex. 

What they're not is stupid. . . or even ignorant.

Margaret Brennan knows full well the holocaust wasn't the effect of uncensored speech. Puhleaze! She isn't that stupid. Don't fall for it. These apparatchiks of the Deep State and its useful idiots among us (and they are legion) know full well MAGA voters aren't "extreme right" Nazi sympathizers. Heck, most the of antisemites these days are on the Left! They know we're not racists, sexists, Islamophobes, homophobes, and every other kind of bigot for the most part, although I admit to being biased against corporatist globalists and leftists, but I repeat. They even know that not all criticism of Barack Obama or Kamala Harris is racism. But they use these discrediting labels because they work

The Left is about narrative-building because they're not beholden to the truth. Their interest is in power

This is why charges of hypocrisy by conservatives fall flat. Ooh, Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, and Liz Warren are worth gazillions of dollars even though they've been "public servants" for decades. Meh, are we trying to appeal to their consciences? Now who's stupid?

Do leftists actually believe the planet is going to be destroyed by a degree or two Celsius rise in average global temperature over a hundred years? If we believe they believe that we're the fools. Why do we suppose every "solution" they propose to the climate change "catastrophe" involves more power concentrated at the highest levels of government?

Do leftists really think the rich are rich because they've taken from the poor? Zero-sum economics? I very much doubt it. The obvious, in-your-face increase in wealth and resources available to all over the course of history gives lie to the claim. Even royalty didn't have access to hot showers a 100 years ago. Lefties know this.

The lie is thing, not their stupidity or ignorance. The lies they tell are both to give themselves a sense of moral superiority and increased status (sin of pride) and to concentrate their power over the rest of us. Don't try to educate them. They're not interested and they already know what you're going to say. Call out the lies for what they are. They're in service to the devil and his humanity-destroying agenda.

 Lets stop wasting our effort trying to educate or inform leftists. They're not playing that game -- they're not even on the same ball field. As someone once said -- they're not stupid, they're evil. Or, at least, their lies are evil. 

Truth wins in the end, but it requires us to be truth-seekers and truth-tellers. Confront leftists with the truth. They can't handle it, but they can't ignore it forever.